Adult Book Club

June 2024
"The Music of Bees" by Eileen Garvin.

Contact the library or pick-up your copy at the library today. Find a calendar reminder for June's book club meeting on Thursday, June 20th at 7:00 p.m.

"Life is stagnant for 44-year-old Alice Holtzman. She was born in the town of Hood River, Oregon, and her parents are a part of its history and have been well-known and respected for their apple orchards. Though now they are deceased, Alice sees life passing her by with unfulfilled dreams. An only child she once envisioned her future as a farmer taking over her folk's orchards, but instead, she's worked for the country for more than 20 years.

A self-imposed loner, Alice finds her main pleasure is raising bees. On her way home from Portland and purchasing 120,000 Russian honeybees to add to her hives, she narrowly escapes running over a young man in a wheelchair on a deserted road. Stopping to help him, she is relieved neither he nor his chair suffered any damage. Frightened and angry, she offers to take him home, and on the drive learns his name is Jake Stevenson.

This is a debut novel, which not only gives readers insight into raising bees but also takes away the fear many may experience with them while it explains the complexities of their lives and their jobs. Each chapter is prefaced with additional facts about bees as told by the L. L. Langstroth method--Langstroth is considered the father for American beekeeping, and the comments offer insightful information that is both educational and fascinating. In addition to this, the reader gets to meet three unlikely individuals who bond together to overcome their fears, sorrows, and upsetting pasts to learn how to grow, heal, and find a lasting camaraderie."

Cover arts for the book "The Music of Bees" by Eileen Garvin.

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